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Because Books!

I love reading and watching tv shows.

Currently reading

The Dream Thieves (Raven Cycle, #2)
Maggie Stiefvater
September 2013
reviewed: Severed Heads, Broken Hearts
Now when it comes to YA Contemporary, I have a tendency to be very picky. I am a harsh critic and let's face it, some books i...
Severed Heads, Broken Hearts - Robyn Schneider
finished reading:
September 2013
reviewed: Choke
I'm a huge fan of Chuck Palahniuk but this book didn't do it for me. I'm usually fascinated by his complex characters and his...
Choke - Chuck Palahniuk
finished reading:
September 2013
reviewed: The Book of Lost Things: A Novel
The first 50 pages or so were really promising. I sympathised with David and his situation. I wanted to know more about his "...
The Book of Lost Things - John Connolly
finished reading:
September 2013
reviewed: Boy Meets Boy
What cute, sweet and fluffy book! I really liked this, not because it's David Levithan and his writing style captivates me an...
Boy Meets Boy - David Levithan
finished reading:
September 2013
reviewed: Point of Retreat (Slammed, #2)
I knew it. I knew that reading the sequel to one of my favourite books would be a bad idea. Usually if I dislike a book, I ju...
Point of Retreat (Slammed, #2) - Colleen Hoover
finished reading:
September 2013
reviewed: Every Day
David Levithan, why do you do this to me? Why do you rip my soul open and plant your stories right in there? Why do your stor...
Every Day -
finished reading:
August 2013
reviewed: The Forest of Hands and Teeth
I really didn't like how this book went. I hadn't read any zombie books before this one, but I have read a lot of Dystopia no...
The Forest of Hands and Teeth - Carrie Ryan
finished reading:
August 2013
reviewed: The Great Gatsby
I can't really review this book because like I said, I'm only reading it for school. But I really didn't like it at all. Mayb...
The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald
finished reading:
August 2013
reviewed: Invisibility
It took me 18 days to finish this book. I'm so ashamed. This is the longest reading slump I've had in a while. And as I'm get...
Invisibility - Andrea Cremer, David Levithan
finished reading:
July 2013
reviewed: Along for the Ride
So, I liked this book. I liked it because it's Sarah Dessen and there is always something about her books I like even if I se...
Along for the Ride - Sarah Dessen
finished reading:
July 2013
reviewed: All These Things I've Done
I'm giving this book 2.5 because it was slightly more than okay, but it wasn't good or great either. My opinion might change ...
All These Things I've Done  - Gabrielle Zevin
finished reading:
July 2013
reviewed: Delirium (Delirium Trilogy)
Ok, firstly I'm high on caffeine right now so that could influence this review but seriously.... HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH...
Delirium  - Lauren Oliver
finished reading:
July 2013
reviewed: Slammed
THIS BOOK!I laughed, I cried, I screamed, I put it aside for a few minutes, I pulled ugly faces, I made seal noises. I lived ...
Slammed - Colleen Hoover
finished reading:
July 2013
reviewed: Just One Day
Two stars because it pains me to give Gayle Forman just one star after how much I loved "If I Stay" and "Where She Went".Posi...
Just One Day - Gayle Forman
finished reading:
July 2013
reviewed: Supernatural: John Winchester's Journal
I can't really review it... But I'll say it wasn't how I expected it to be. I thought there would be much more insight than w...
Supernatural: John Winchester's Journal -
finished reading: