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Because Books!

I love reading and watching tv shows.

Currently reading

The Dream Thieves (Raven Cycle, #2)
Maggie Stiefvater


Mockingbird - Kathryn Erskine Any easy read. That's all I can say about it.

Finale (Hush, Hush Saga)

Finale - Becca Fitzpatrick This is one of those rare occasions where I actually give up on a series. I read the reviews and I just I'm not a masochist enough. It's a shame because I really did like Hush, Hush. But to be fair, I was like 14 or something. And I've grown up now. I now know what is and is not love. I used to swoon over Patch. I thought Nora and Patch had an epic love story. But then I tried to re-read Hush, Hush. And I read the other 2 books. It's not love. It's abuse. It's obsession. It's unhealthy. It needs to stop.There's nothing sexy about an overly controlling guy who doesn't take no for an answer. FYI, just because you think a girl secretly likes something she had objected to doesn't mean she actually does. If she says no or back off or I don't want to go somewhere, SHE DOESN'T WANT TO. LEAVE IT.I read the spoilers and what I feared would happen happened. This series got worse.So now let's just put these books safely behind our bookshelves and forget it ever happened.


Wintergirls - Laurie Halse Anderson I really didn't like this book. I wanted to because of the themes explored here but the writing style, although clever, constantly pulled me out of the story. Lia was impossible to sympathise with. She was whiny and selfish. I understand that those are common characteristics of a person suffering from mental disorders, but her attitude was terrible. I didn't feel a connection with any of these characters. They were all badly written and as I was getting to know them through Lia, it didn't make them any better.I also don't understand the point of Elijah. He didn't benefit the story in any way. Or unless you count that it showed how immature and irresponsible Lia when she blindly trusted him.It's a shame really. I wanted to love it because I loved Speak.I do not recommend this book to anyone.

The Hidden (book 3 The Hollow Trilogy)

The Hidden  - Jessica Verday No.No.No.Stop this right nowAuthors, be aware of the audience you're targeting. Be aware of how fragile some minds are. You have a weapon here and this book is very dangerous. I am so mad right now.So, the last book of this trilogy. I didn't like the first one, i didn't care much for the second one. But i have this need to finish a series once I start it. No matter how bad it is(Well except for The House of Night books).So when I saw this book at our local library, I just picked it up and decided to add it on my to-read pile just to find out what happens to Abbey and Caspian.God, why did I do this?So many eye-roll moments, so many awkward did you just write that moments and don't even get me started on the November night. I had to put the book down and calm my nerves.Caspian's nickname for Abbey "Astrid" made me want to hurl. It was and always has been cheesy. Our dear Mary Sue Abbey who is actually a really bad friend to everyone yet somehow manages to get away with it. Her parents are ridiculous and absent pretty much for the majority of this book. And their graduation present was a little outlandish for a teenage girl. No matter how responsible she apparently is.The themes of controlling boyfriend came up and although Abbey tried to not be controlled, the charm and cute smile of these boys won her over of course. All these characters were just thrown in as props. None of them really stuck with me and I didn't connect with any of them.**spoiler**Now the ending.NO.NO.NO.You do NOT ever EVER write about a character that willingly kills herself to be with her boyfriend. NO. I am disgusted by that ending. What message are we trying to get across here, Verday? That it's ok to throw your life away for the sake of love? That you can cause your parents and friends so much pain just because you give your soul and heart and damn virginity to some "perfect" guy?She re-wrote time, I suppose. Meaning Kristen was the one who mourned her death and her parents the ones who suffered. But really. How selfish of you, Abbey. Subjecting your parents and no doubt your best friend to the pain YOU suffered when she "died"? I get that it was meant to be you who died, but you didn't. What you should have done is walked away and let the dead be dead and the dead move on. What you should have done as a caring, responsible, mature person is see this as a second chance. You owed Kristen that much. That's what you should have done. But you didn't.You chose to kill yourself. For a boy. I am not okay with this. No one can convince me otherwise. This relationship was very unhealthy. Abbey's need for Caspian was unhealthy and wrong. She lived with him. She spent every second with him. When he wanted to take a walk, she fought off her tears. NO.STOP WRITING BOOKS LIKE THIS.STOP IT RIGHT NOW.ps, nice touch with the Supernatural reference. I'm a huge fan.

Uglies (Uglies Trilogy, Book 1)

Uglies - Scott Westerfeld So at first I couldn't really get into it, not because it was bad but because I was going through that "1 page a day" phase and just couldn't get into reading. Then around 3am today I decided to force myself to read and my god I went to sleep at 9am! I couldn't put it down and it was so captivating! I truly enjoyed this and I liked that I imagine the Rusties are us right now and the Pretties are what we might become with Hollywood's obsession with plastic surgery and being conventionally pretty. I really liked Tally as a protagonist too. She started off not immature but naive which wasn't her fault of course, but her growth and quick understanding was impressive! Shay on the other hand I didn't really like. Mostly because everything about her screamed "16 years old". She actually described herself pretty well in the book. I can't wait to read the next book! I felt some sort of love triangle brewing but I hope that it doesn't weigh down this entrancing story line.

Waiting for You

Waiting For You - Susane Colasanti One of the most annoying protagonists ever. It was painfully predictable and although I wanted to sympathise with Marisa, I just couldn't.


Elsewhere - Gabrielle Zevin I liked it. Or rather I liked the idea of it. The whole "afterlife" and "rebirth" aspect of it was pretty interesting. I also liked the whole Canine language, as a dog lover myself, I found it pretty interesting and for most parts, humorous.However, Liz was generally an annoying character. I guess I can forgive Zevin for that as she was supposed to portray a fifteen year old a t first. I feel like this story lacked a solid background for Liz. We never really had the opportunity to understand her, especially her relationship with her best friend. Speaking of relationships, the main reason I couldn't give this book 4 or 5 stars was because of the relationship between Li and Owen. It felt like Zevin just threw it in without much thought, just for the sake of giving Liz romance. We never really got to see the two be together as she skipped that. We never really knew any of the characters well enough. Because now when I think back, I wonder why the book had so many pages. There wasn't really much going on, which sucks because with such a brilliant idea of after-death, there could have been so much more. *SPOILER* The only time I couldn't put the book down was when the return of Emily was announced, I was curious about the impact it would have on Owen and Liz but I was disappointed really, it was nowhere near as dramatic or sad as I anticipated.So yes, I did like the book. Just I felt like it lacked something much, much more that would have made it into an epic read.

Paper Towns

Paper Towns - John Green I just finished reading this book and I am still recovering. So, let me just start off by saying yes, the characters were generally annoying. Especially Ben. And there were some moments where i rolled my eyes and threatened to stop reading, but I had to find out of course. This book isn't perfect at all. Some parts are lazy and I found myself skipping them. I found Margo to be really selfish and even at the end of the book, when I truly understood her, I still couldn't like her.But now why is this four stars? Because it moved me. I have never connected to a book as much as I did with this one. The last pages of this book will stay with you forever. I now have that book I will re-read when I'm feeling particularly down. If I could quote the last 3 pages I would.This book won me over with the amazing insight it has. I felt. I cried. I understood. It wasn't pretentious, it wasn't cheesy. It was John Green writing about the the true essence of people. He left me thinking, hell I'm still thinking. I am yet to read a book with such deep, powerful perception. I applaud John Green for this. I truly do.

The Fault in Our Stars

The Fault in Our Stars - John Green *may contain spoilers*I reviewed this book less than an hour ago because that's when I eventually finished reading it. Originally, it was 4/5 but after deep thoughts and reading other reviews, it's now a 3.5Because I've realised that I just really wanted to like this book because well everyone does for some reason.But, it was a good read. Not the best, I prefer Looking For Alaska. It had its moments of humour and there were some parts that really did make me cry. But now, I have to be honest. The main reason I didn't like this book is how pretentious it felt. Hazel and Augustus were unbelievable. I don't mean as in incredible, I mean as they could not exist. Why? Because of the dialogue between them and the random out of the blue deep, philosophical monologues. My problem with this is, I wouldn't have minded if it had just happened but it became too overdone. And the worst part about this is it pulled me out of the story. I wouldn't consider myself a shallow teenager, I have really deep thoughts about life and how the universe works. But like I said, it was too overdone to the extent of being cheesy. (I don't blame people for not replying to Hazel's comment on Augustus' page because I had to read it at least three times to even understand what she was saying) But it wasn't all bad, of course. Like I said, there were some comedic aspects that were well done. I liked Peter's absurdity. But I'm a sucker for blunt and rude characters. I also love that despite the fact that I knew what was coming, when it eventually did come, I still wept and put the book aside and wept so that was good writing John Green.

Midnight Sun (Twilight #1.5)

Midnight Sun - Stephenie Meyer Did she ever finish this?Because this was much more interesting from Edward's perspective. Less whiny and actually intentionally funny.